Friday, December 07, 2007

It's Late Afterall

It was two days before someone's birthday and I just remembered that I haven't got anything for him yet. I couldn't possibly have any energy back then to figure out a perfect gift for him, so I thought I would just pick up some card on my way home that day. ASDA was way too far for my mood to venture to when I left the university. The nice British sky in winter was all dark by five. I thought I would just go to the CO-OP shop that was only a few extra steps away from my way home.

I went to the shop with a friend of mine, who was leaving to Taiwan for holiday. We walked down to the shop, talking nonsense on the way. To my surprise, I found another friend of mine was working at the checkout in the shop. Well, actually, I am still mad of him now for not going out with the girl I set him up with. Anyway, I went to the card section and was trying to get some card nice. The small shop didn't have a brilliant collection and I was really struggling to get something won't mark down my taste. Finally I picked this card with a lovely teddy bear on the cover. There were not many options in the shop.

I said goodbye for my friend who was going to catch the coach to the airport and went home. That night I wrote down some normal birthday wishes in the card and I noticed the cover which says: Belated Birthday. There was no way I was going to get another card so I just wrote a yellow post-it note on the card says sorry about the cover, etc. I posted it the next morning.

About four days after his birthday, he got the card. I thought I must have forgotten to write down the property number of the address or maybe it was just his flatmates misplaced the card. Either way, the card was late and it became a 'belated birthday' card after all. The card I picked turned out to be quite appropriate. Could you ever possible to argue with life?

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